Cigno, one of the finest Italian brand producing handcrafted bicycles, presents the new Cigno Veloce line at Pitti Immagine Uomo 90.
Designed for all “urbandwellers” that everyday deal with the frenetic and crowded urban jungle, the concept behind this bicycles is to simplify city travels making them more stimulating.
Crafted to make city mobility a uniquely pleasant experience, the Cigno Veloce is also perfect for having fun during weekends outside the city. With a distinctive, elegant, minimal design, featuring top quality materials strictly hand-assembled by Italian craftsmen, the Cigno Veloce offers bicycle lovers an unmatched experience.
Cigno Veloce comes in three colour schemes – Black, White and Titanium – easily distinguishable with an entirely hand-welded polished aluminium frame which is extremely light, performing and reactive. The six aluminium-magnesium spokes wheels complete the new Cigno Veloce with a clean and defined line.
To give it a unique unmistakeable touch, the new matching handles and Brooks Cambium saddle, launched recently on the market by Brooks, offers unmatched flexibility and a design without equal on the market.
The Cigno Veloce will be available online, starting from 17 June 2016, at www.cigno.it